Our companies

GreenTech Recycling Plastic AB och GreenTech Tires AB are organised under our parent company GreenTech Recycling Holding Sweden AB.

GreenTech Recycling Holding Sweden AB
Prästgatan 44 b
111 29 Stockholm
VAT.no 559453-9529

Projekt Däckåtervinning -Pyrum. Successful commissionings

GreenTech Tires AB

Green Tech invests in and builds up a recycling business first in Sweden and then in the rest of the Nordics and the Baltics, based on a patented technology from Pyrum Innovation AG.

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Recycled numbers One Plant p.a.

20 000

Tonnes Tires recycled

6 800

Tonnes of Pyrolysis Oils

5 500

Tonnes of recovered Carbon Black

5 600

Tonnes of Steel

Produced gas generate the power needed

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